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For József Böröcz being 60

This page is dedicated to the 60th birthday of József Böröcz, President of the Karl Polanyi Center fo​r ​Global Social Studies and Professor at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA. Colleagues and friends are paying tribute to his extraordinary intellectual work via a virtual library. This library contains texts, which are in a dialogue with the works and topics of József Böröcz. With this page we wish to ​congratulate him and we also wish to ​inspire further research and intellectual analysis, hopefully, ​at such a high academic level he represents.  

Further contributions are welcome. Please write to

Virtual Library

Adamik Mária - Senior Researcher, Social Science Faculty, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Adamik, Mária. 2000. "Család versus népesség." Replika, (40): 197-200

Alamgir, Alena K. - Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Leipzig

Alamgir, Alena K. 2017. "From the Field to the Factory Floor: Vietnamese Government’s Defense of Migrant Workers Interests in State-Socialist Czechoslovakia." Journal of Vietnamese Studies. Forthcoming. All rights reserved.


Andor László - Head of Department, Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Policy, Corvinus University of Budapest

Andor, László. 2014. "Where Now After Ten Years of Eastern Enlargement?" Social Europe.2014 May 13.


Aneesh, Aneesh - Associate Professor and Senior Director, Center for International Education, UW-Milwaukee

Aneesh, Aneesh. 2001. " Rethinking Migration: On-Line Labor Flows from India to the United States In: W.A. Cornelius, T.J. Espenshade, and I. Salehyan, eds "The International Migration of the Highly Skilled: Demand, Supply, and Development Consequences in Sending and Receiving Countries." CCIS Anthology Series (Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego) 1.


Barabás Andras - Translator and Editor 

Barnes, Julian. 2004. "A Short History of Hairdressing." Translated by András Barabás. Vintage. 1-25.

Barabás György -  Postdoctoral Fellow at Linköping University 

Barabás, György  2007. Maga itt tánctanár?  Magyar Narancs, 19. (46).​ November 15.


Boatcă, Manuela - Professor at the Institut für Soziologie & Global Studies Programme Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 

Boatcă, Manuela. 2006. "No Race to the Swift. Negotiating Racial Identity in Past and Present Eastern Europe." Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge 5 (1): 91-104.

Bockman, Johanna - Associate Professor of Sociology and Global Affairs, George Mason University 

Bockman, Johanna. 2015. "Socialist Globalization against Capitalist Neocolonialism: The Economic Ideas behind the New International Economic Order." Humanity 6 (1): 109-128.

Bozóki András - Professor, Department of Political Science, Central European University (CEU) Budapest. 

Bozóki, András and Sarah A. Cueva 2016. “Hungary’s New Radical Right: Populist Outbidding, Democratic Backsliding, and the Fidesz-Jobbik Convergence. Work in Progress. All rights reserved.


Cantat, Céline - Visiting Research Fellow at CPS, Central European University 

Cantat, Céline. 2016. "The ideology of Europeanism and Europe’s migrant other." International Socialism 152.


Demir, Dilara F. -  Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Demir, Dilara F 2016. Copier Mentality vs. Innovator Mentality:  Intellectual Property and Expert Subjectivities in Modern Day Turkey. Manuscript. All rights reserved.


Faludi  Julianna - Assistant Professor, Marketing and Media Institute,  Institute of Sociology, Corvinus University of Budapest

Dén-Nagy Ildikó, Faludi Julianna, Ihász-Tóth Dániel. 2013. "Európa mérlegen az Európai Unió geopolitikai értelmezése a világrendszerben." Szociológiai szemle 23 (3).

Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore - Associate Professor at the Geography Department of SUNY New Paltz

Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore. 2005. "Capitalist Expansionism, Imperialism, and the European Union." State of Nature. An Online Journal of Radical Ideas. December 18


Éber Márk, Ágnes Gagyi, Márk Éber, Tamás Gerőcs, András Pinkász and Jelinek Csaba -  Members of the Working Group for Public Sociology "Helyzet", Budapest

Éber Márk Áron, Gagyi Ágnes, Gerőcs Tamás, Jelinek Csaba, Pinkasz András. 2014. "1989: Szempontok a rendszerváltás globális politikai gazdaságtanához." Fordulat (21): 10-63.

Fábry Ádám - Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Argentina

Fábry, Ádam. 2011. "From poster boy of neoliberal transformation to basket case: Hungary and the global economic crisis’." In: Gareth Dale ed. First the Transition, Then the Crash: Eastern Europe in the 2000s. London: Pluto Press. 203-228.


Feischmidt Margit - Senior Researcher at the Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Associate Professor at the Department for Communications and Media Studies, University of Pécs,

Feischmidt, Margit. 2012. "Constraints and Accommodation - Economic and Symbolic Strategies of Romani People Living in Hungarian Villages." in: Maria Heller, Borbala Kriza eds. Identities, Ideologies and Representations in Post-transition Hungary. Budapest: Eötvös Lorand University Press. 261-291

Fodor Éva - Associate Professor at the Department of Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest

Fodor, Éva and Horn, Dániel. 2015. “Economic Development” and Gender Equality: Explaining Variations in the Gender Poverty Gap after Socialism. Social Problems 62. 286–308

Gagyi Ágnes - Member of the Working Group for Public Sociology "Helyzet",  Budapest

Pulay Gergő - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology,  Central European University, Budapest.

Gagyi, Ágnes and Gergő Pulay 2012. An incapacity to see ourselves as part of the whole world, and the efforts to see ourselves as part of Europe. An interview with József Böröcz on post-socialist “transition,” EU-accession, and a potential left perspective in East-Central Europe. Manuscript. All rights reserved.


Ginelli Zoltán -  Ph.D. Candidate, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Ginelli, Zoltán 2016. Max Weber eurocentrizmusa: A kapitalizmus szellemének földrajza és a „klasszikus” szociológia dekolonizálása. Manuscript. All rights reserved.


Gille Zsuzsa - Professor of Sociology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Gille, Zsuzsa. 2010. "Is there a Global Postsocialist Condition?" Global Society 24 (9): 9-30.

Hadas Miklós - Professor at the Institute of Sociology and Social Policy, Corvinus University of Budapest

Hadas, Miklós. 2007. "Much Ado About Nothing? Remarks on Michael Burawoy’s Presidential Address." The American Sociologist 38 (3): 309-332.

Hunyadi Márton -  Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Sociology and Social Policy, Corvinus University of Budapest

Hunyadi, Márton. 2016. "Hierarchical positioning of postcolonial and postsocialist migrants." In: Manuela Boatca, Andrea Komlosy Hg Hans-Heinrich Nolte eds. World regions, migrations and identities. Zürich: Muster-Schmidt Verlag Gleichen. Revised Version.


Karnoouh, Claude - Anthropologist and Philosopher, Bucharest, Paris

Karnoouh, Claude. 2016. Cuba SI… Yankee No… ou Fidel Castro et le « fidelisme » à l’usage des Roumains… Manuscript. All rights reserved. French and Romanian version together.

Kiss Tamás - Sociologist and Demographer at the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Horváth, István, and Tamás Kiss. 2015. "Depopulating semi-periphery? Longer term dynamics of migration and socioeconomic development in Romania." Demografia English Edition 58 (5): 91-131.


Kovács Éva - Academic Programme Director, Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, Scientific Advisor, Institute of Sociology, HAS Center for Social Sciences.

Kovács, Éva. 2008. "A beékelést kiküszöbölték." Lengyel munkások Beremenden (1979–1981) Regio 19 (3): 73-109.

Krausz Tamás - University Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Krausz, Tamás. 2016. "A neo-Horthyist restoration." Radical Philosophy: A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy 197. (May/June)


Lengyel György - Professor of Sociology at Corvinus University of Budapest

Lengyel, György. 2016. "Embeddedness, Redistribution and Double Dependence: Polányi-reception Reconsidered." Intersections EEJSP 2 (2): 13-37.

Li, Ju -  Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

LI, Ju. 2015. "How It Was/Is Told and How It Is Remembered: History and Memory of the Third Front Construction." Journal of Historical Sociology 28 (3).

Lugosi Győző - Associate Professor at the Department of Modern and Present Day Universal History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Lugosi, Győző. 2010. A "palesztinkérdés” geopolitika-történeti látószöge. Budapest: ELTE. Revised text of the following publication:  Lugosi, Győző: „A szentföldi konfliktus –  világrendszer-szemléletben” In: Háda Béla – Ligeti Dávid – Majoros István – Maruzsa Zoltán – Merényi Krisztina eds: Nemzetek és birodalmak. Diószegi István 80 éves. Budapest, ELTE, 2010, 407–422.

Miklóssy Katalin - Language Teacher, Teacher Trainer, Radnóti School at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Medgyes, Péter; Miklósy, Katalin. 2005. "The Language Situation in Hungary." Language Planning and Policy in Europe Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Melegh Attila -  Associate Professor at the Institute of Sociology and Social Policy, Corvinus University of Budapest

Melegh, Attila. 2012. "Provincial Europe." International Sociology 27 (2): 179 - 188.

Sarkar, Mahua - Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York, USA, and Fellow in 2016-17, Institut d'Études Avancéés de Nantes

Sarkar, Mahua. 2006. "Difference in Memory." Comparative Studies in Society and History 48 (1): 139-168.

Soltész Béla - External Lecturer at the Institute of Political and International Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Soltész, Béla. 2015. "Politikai átmenetek – migrációs átmenetek? Kelet-Európa és Latin-Amerika migrációs folyamatainak összehasonlítása." Tér és Társadalom 29 (4): 5-26.

Szalai Erzsébet - Sociologist, University Professor Budapest

Szalai, Erzsébet. 2010. "The crisis of the New Capitalism in Eastern Europe: The Hungarian Example." Vlaams Marxistich Tijdschrift 44 (4).

Szántó Diana - Director of Artemisszió Foundation, Budapest

Szántó, Diana 2016. The End of the “End of History” -- One Tale Two Continents. Modern Africa  3  (3) Forthcoming. All rights reserved.

Szelényi Iván - William Graham Sumner Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Yale University, New York

Szelényi, Iván 2016. What (is/was) socialism? Variations of a theme of János Kornai honoring the 60th birthday of József Böröcz. Manuscript. All Rights Reserved

Szigeti Péter - Philosopher of law, political scientist, professor, DSc, and Head of the Doctoral School of Law at Széchenyi István University, Győr

Szigeti, Péter. 2016. “Kritikai elmélet – világrendszer kutatás – posztmarxizmus” manuscript and summary of  "Marx aktualitása a globális kapitalizmusban" Eszmélet 2014 (103); "Világrendszernézőben." Napvilág, 2005, 45-57.; and "A kritikai társadalomtudományi megismerés specifikumai" Jog - Állam - Politika 2013 (1.)

Thornton, Arland - Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Michigan, Research Professor, Population Studies Center, The University of Michigan.

Melegh, Attila, Arland Thornton, Dimiter Philipov, and Linda Young-DeMarco. 2013. "Mapping societal developmental hierarchies in Europe: A Bulgarian perspective." Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare (Demographic Research Institute, Budapest) 13.

Tsuladze, Lia - Associate Professor of Sociology at Tbilisi State University

Tsuladze, Lia. 2013. "Western Imaginary and Imagined Defense Strategies of Eastern Europe and its Borderlands." Central European Journal of International & Security Studies (Metropolitan University Prague Press) (4): 107-126.

Uzun, Nil - PhD Candidate at the Department of Sociology, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

Uzun, Nil 2016. Representing ‘the Middle East Women’: The Limits of Veil, War, and Violence.  Manuscript. All rights reserved.

Zimmermann, Susan - University Professor at the Department of Gender Studies, Department of History at Central European University, Budapest

Zimmermann, Susan. 2013. "A gender-rezsim és – küzdelem a magyar államszocializmusban (Gender Regime and Gender Struggle in Hungarian State Socialism)." Társadalmi Nemek Tudomány Interdiszciplináris eFolyóirat 3 (2).

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