
Zoltán Ginelli
2020. aug. 19.2 perc olvasás
Kari Polanyi Levitt in "Polanyi on Polanyi" Series
About “Polanyi on Polanyi”: Kari Polanyi Levitt, Emerita Professor of Economics at McGill University, is a legend in the economics...
94 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2015. aug. 28.3 perc olvasás
Abraham Rotstein, 1929–2015
We were very sad to learn of the unexpected death of Abraham Rotstein who graced us with his presence at the International Karl Polanyi...
144 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2015. jún. 29.2 perc olvasás
Romanian Journal of European Affairs A Romanian publication to focus on the European Union debate
The European Institute of Romania would like to invite contributors interested in European affairs to submit articles for evaluation and...
9 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2015. máj. 4.1 perc olvasás
Karl Polanyi Institute Asia (KPIA)
Almost in the same time with the annual conference of Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies in Budapest, on 24th of...
128 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2015. ápr. 1.1 perc olvasás
"Nothing is imposed in this policy!" The construction and constriction of the European Nei
Does the European Union behave towards its neighbours like a partner or like a colonist? Find out this new article published by Ondřej...
27 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2015. febr. 22.1 perc olvasás
Unskilled Mass Migrants or Agents in their Own Lives? Global Labor Migrations, 1815-1914
In the framework of the Public Lecture Series European Labor History in Global Context from the 18th Century to the Present, The...
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Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2015. febr. 9.1 perc olvasás
Global History Student Conference
24-25 April 2015 Free University Berlin Call for papers available here (deadline 1 March 2014) More information on the webpage of Global...
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Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2015. febr. 8.1 perc olvasás
El Caracazo
Screening of the movie "El Caracazo" with Hungarian subtitles. 6 p.m., 27 March, 2015 Embassy of Venezuela 1063 Budapest, Szegfü utca 6...
5 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2015. febr. 2.1 perc olvasás
Postgraduate summer course “Performing Romani Identities” at Central European University
Postgraduate summer course “Performing Romani Identities” at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary, June 29 -- July 10,...
7 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2015. jan. 4.1 perc olvasás
Regional Degrowth Workshop in Budapest
After Ljubjana in 2013, Zagreb in March, Sofia in May and Leipzig in September 2014, we invite you to regional Degrowth workshop on...
15 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2014. jún. 2.1 perc olvasás
The Return of Karl Polanyi by Margaret Somers and Fred Block in Dissent Magazine
Karl Polanyi, whose ideas took form in 1920s Vienna in direct opposition to the free-market orthodoxy of Ludwig von Mises, has gained...
44 megtekintés0 hozzászólás